Jumat, 01 Februari 2019

Daily Activity (English Version) #4

Hello guys.. good morning.. how are you today?? 
i hope youre fine.. and i hope i'm fine too because i'm little tired now xdxd 

So lets talk about what i did yesterday 
In the thursday,I woke up at 5 A.M and prayed after that take a shower and breakfast. And at 7 A.M I go to the campus from the dormitory
And today, i'm practice how to make Coux and Eclair.. i think its easy and its not very hard.. and i think you can do it in your home.. if you dont know what is coux and eclair i want to tell you 

“Choux” means cabbage and pâte means paste. So, in other words, cabbage paste. Why is it called “cabbage paste” you ask? The name comes from the resemblance the pastry has to tiny cabbages. When baked, the pastry puffs up with little crinkles and ruffles pictured above. Little cabbages! But instead of cabbage paste, let’s simply call it choux pastry.

Eclairs are made by filling a crisp, buttery eclair shell with a light, creamy vanilla pastry cream and glazing it with a rich, chocolate icing.
Eclairs are one of my family’s favorite desserts. It’s a perfect combination.   A crisp exterior surrounds a smooth, creamy, light as air custard and topped with a rich chocolate glaze – it’s heaven on a plate.

Today I’m showing you how to make choux and eclair.Feel free to use this basic choux dough!

Ingredients : 

125 ml Milk 
63 gr Butter 
1 gr Salt 
93 gr All Purpose Flour 
156 gr Egg

How to make? 
1. Combine liquid,butter, and salt in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil
2. Remove pan from heat and add the flour all at once. Stir quickly 
3. Return the pan to moderate heat and stir, virgorously until the dough forms a ball and pulls away from the sides of the pan
4. Transfer the dough to the bowl of a mixer. If you wish to mix by hand,leave it in the sauce pan
5. With the paddle attachment, mix at low speed until the dough has cooled slightly. It should be about 140'F (60'C) still very warm, but not too hot to much

6. At medium speed, beat in the eggs, a little at a time. Add no more than one fourth of the eggs at once, and wait until each quantity is completely absorbed before adding the next. When all the eggs are absorbed, the paste is ready to use. 

Procedure for Making Cream Puffs and Profiteroles 
1. Line sheet pans with silicone paper,or butter them lightly 
2. Fit a large pastry bag with a plain tube. Fill the bag with the coux paste
3. For cream puffs, pipe round mounds of dough about 1 1/2 inch (4 cm) in diameter
onto the lined baking sheets. For profiteroles, pipe round mounds of dough about  1/4 inch (2 cm) in diameter. if you prefer, you may drop the dough from a spoon. 
4. Bake at 215'c for 10 minutes. Lower the heat to 190'c until the puffs are well browned and very crisp
5. Remove from the oven and cool slowly in a warm place 
6. When cool, cut a slice from the top of each puff. Fill with whipped cream, vanilla pastry cream or desired filling, using a pastry bag with a star tube
7. Replace  the tops and dust with confectioners sugar 
8. Fill the puffs as close to service as possible. If cream filled puffs must be held, refrigerate them\
9. Unfilled and uncut puffs, if they are thoroughly dry, may be held in plastic bags in the refrigerator for 1 week. Recrisp in the oven for a few minutes before use 


Procedure for Making Eclairs 
1. Proceed as for cream puffs, except pipe the dough into strips about 1/4 inch (2 cm) wide and 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) long. Bake as for cream puffs
2. Fill baked, cooled eclair shells with pastry cream. Two methods may be used : 
- Make a small hole in one end of the shell and fill using a pastry bag or a doughnut filling pump
- Cut a slice lengthwise from the top and fill using a pastry bag 
3. Dip the tops of the eclairs in chocolate fondant 
4. For service and holding, see cream puffs procedure

I fill the coux with a pastry cream, and now i will give the recipe 

Ingredients :

150 gr Egg Yolk 
75 gr Sugar 
Milk 500 ml 
Flour 60 gr 
Seasoning of Salt 

How to make : 

  1. 1. Warm the milk: Warm the milk in the saucepan until you start to see wisps of steam. It should not actually be boiling.
  2. 2. Make the egg-sugar base: In a medium bowl, whisk together the sugar, flour, and salt. Add the egg yolks and whisk them into the dry ingredients. This will form a thick paste. It's fine if the paste looks crumbly or smooth; the important thing is that the ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  3. 3. Add the milk to the egg mixture: Pour a little of the hot milk into the eggs and whisk to combine. Continue pouring the milk slowly into the eggs, whisking continuously. It's OK to switch back and forth between pouring milk and whisking if you can't manage both at the same time.
  4. 4. Pour everything back in the pan: When all the milk has been added to the eggs, pour everything back into the saucepan. Set a strainer over a bowl and place this near the stove.
  5. 5. Heat the pastry cream: Set the pan back over medium heat. Whisk constantly. At first, the pastry cream will look very thin and frothy, but it will start to thicken after a few minutes. When it has thickened to a pudding-like consistency, pause whisking every few seconds to see if the cream has come to a boil. If you see large bubbles popping on the surface, whisk for a few more seconds and then remove the pan from heat.
  6. 6. Strain and cool the pastry cream: Stir the vanilla into the pastry cream and then pour the cream into the strainer set over the bowl. Stir to push it through the strainer. This will catch any bits of cooked egg that may be in your pastry cream.
Okay thats all of my story today.. 
See u next time 💗

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